Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 4 : Termites, Aarvarks and Casevac

We woke up early with the looming realisation that we would soon be leaving our Bush location; we consumed our breakfasts and were once again treated to a Marcel lecture and bush tour. Today’s subject was termites and aardvarks.

Around 10.00 exchanged transport with groups 3 & 4 who were about to begin their EAC, whilst we were to return to our En’semi base.

We arrived around 10.30 and spent time on personnel admin (Showers and washing clothes) until 13.00. Following lunch groups 1 & 2 participated in CASEVAC and First Aid training exercises, hopefully we will not need to put our practice into action.

Following a traditional South African evening meal (Pot Roast) we planned shopping requirements for our penultimate task an 11 day trek and project work in Lesotho, which was now only 2 days away.

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