Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 3 : Blood and Guts

07.00 The bleary eyed cadets got up and prepared themselves for their 2nd day in the Game Reserve.

The day started with the dissection of a Bless buck (Antelope) this consisted of completely taking the animal apart, starting with its testicles and penis (which a number of the cadets unbelievably consumed) the skin and head was next and then Marcel skilfully removed the animals organs, explaining their purpose. This was a interactive display with cadets operating tendons, joints and re-inflating the animals lungs. Following lunch the cadets attended yet another riveting Marcel lecture which mesmerises and completely captures their imagination the subject is skeletal anatomy and dentistry of what seemed to cover the entire animal kingdom.

The team were joined in the evening with from HQ Richard, Terry and The Doc. The second night drive equalled the previous with animal sightings however the excitement reached a new level when the HQ’s 4x4 had a near miss with a charging white Rhino. The evening was topped off with a BBQ back at base, followed by more camp fire tales and revelations delivered by Marcel.

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