Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 6 : Snakes, Rabies and a poo with a view

Following the usual frosty start the sun shines bright over breakfast.

Cadets from teams 1 & 2 receive final training on the use of Tents, Stoves, defensive action against Bush Fires and Security on Steep Ground.

Teams 3 & 4 return from their bush experience, and as was the case with teams 1 & 2 they were smelly, dog tired but have loved every moment.

All 4 teams swap stories and agree that Marcel from the Weenen Game Reserve is the God of knowledge.

Later that day lecturers and advice was given by the expedition technical advisor on the subject of border behaviour, local customs dealing with rabid dogs and snake bites and the cadets favourite when needs must choose a poo with view ?
All groups pack their kit ready for tomorrows early departure, destination Lesotho.

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